Adventure awaits under the Midnight Sun...The Midnight Sun Fly In is a biennial event hosted by the Midnight Sun Fly In Association on the shores of Great Slave Lake at the city of Yellowknife in Canada’s Northwest Territories. Established in 1936, Yellowknife is a vibrant community of 19,000 adventurous souls, boasting a wide range of amenities and activities. Interests in the area for aviation enthusiasts, especially those traveling by floatplane, include spectacular lakes, hiking, fishing and sightseeing. By summer solstice, Yellowknife receives about 20 hours of daylight with no real darkness, making your visit truly unique.
Midnight Sun Fly In events and activities typically include a fish fry and steak BBQ, both with live entertainment, public lunchtime smokie BBQ's, pancake breakfast, and bush pilot memorial. Details for the next Fly In, including schedules and activities, registration information, sponsorship and volunteer opportunities, will be posted when planning begins. In the meantime, browse our website to explore our past events!